Regain balance and coordination

750 NOK
Hendelse type

This workshop is open to everyone willing to better know and understand how their own body works. During the workshop we will explore the way you stand, the way you sit, the way you walk and the habits you have developed. You might be surprised by how much you can learn through working on these basic daily moves and how much they can contribute to your well-being.

The Alexander Technique, named after Frederick Matthias Alexander, is a well-established educational process that develops the ability to regain natural balance and coordination and to avoid unnecessary muscular and mental tension. It is widely taught among musicians, dancers and actors.

Join Alexander technique teachers Velimir Aleksander Barisic & Thierry Guénin for an introductory workshop.

"[The Alexander Technique] is a way to transform stress to joy.
It’s for anyone who wants to be in contact with their own body and the way we tense ourselves and relax ourselves. It’s another way of moving." Juliette Binoche, Actor

"The Alexander Technique works... I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck pains or back pain."
Roald Dahl, Writer

750 NOK
Hendelse type