Tuned! – An Alexander Technique workshop for musicians

420 NOK
Hendelse type

Tuned! – An Alexander Technique workshop for musicians 
This workshop has been tailored for both the professional and amateur musician.

"While playing, it is vital that the musician be aware of how his/her use of the self affects the performance.  The body is an extension of the instrument and vice versa.  In this workshop, you will learn how to focus not only on the music but on achieving maximum support from the body. The better the use of the self, the better the music."

Jörg Aßhoff is the director of Alexander-Technik-Schule Berlin and a highly experienced Alexander Technique teacher.

He has been teaching since 1993 in his own private practice. Additionally, he has been teaching 15 years at the Universität der Künste (university of performing arts), community centers (Volkshochschule) and speech therapy schools. In 2004, he founded the school Alexander-Technik-Schule Berlin. He is a moderator at three teacher training courses in Germany and France.

April 21 – 17:30-19:30
Norsk Skuespillersenter
Welhavens gate 1, Oslo
Info: kontakt@alexander-institutt.no
420 NOK

"[The Alexander Technique] is a way to transform stress to joy. It’s for anyone who wants to be in contact with their own body and the way we tense ourselves and relax ourselves. It’s another way of moving." Juliette Binoche, actor



420 NOK
Hendelse type